Tribes of midgard tips
Tribes of midgard tips

tribes of midgard tips tribes of midgard tips
  1. #Tribes of midgard tips upgrade
  2. #Tribes of midgard tips full

If you’re starting Villager, or Feral then making T0 armor, I would suggest skipping from T0 to T2 (blue).

#Tribes of midgard tips upgrade

Having that said when I do upgrade armor I always skip a tier. Obviously if you are having alot of trouble surviving than armor upgrades will certainly help. Upgrading armor is a tricky subject as the time invested is not always worth the marginal survivability increase. Rushing the rare version is paramount as you’ll use far fewer pots and your mana pots now double has healing pots. The right click does more damage than any legendary, it’s 2nd ability heals for 100 per tick at rare quality, and 200 per tick at epic and has a mini stun. It’s hands down the strongest overall weapon in the game. Note: If you find a swamp biome early, and are able to kill 2-3 hydras for the mats for a base lightning axe skip Hersir. I will usually follow suit with my Villager start by rushing T2 Hersir, but upgrading your mace is a great option as well – I’m just a creature of habit. The rightclick is great for picking off range mobs, and at T2 the whirlwind ability is great for clearing packs or bursting larger targets. I always upgrade into Hersir sword as it can upgrade all the way to T2. You don’t need a map to see where Hideout is when you won’t be doing it until right before Fenrir, and at that point you can just buy the map from the swamp Sorcerer. Cold and Heat starters are for areas you shouldn’t be in until later, and at that point you should have the mats to make enough hot/cold pots to get you through the zones (Or just play Seer lol). If the witch decides to target you with her delayed bomb you’re very likely going to die. If starting Feral make sure to not take on any T3 Bright Forest camps until you have 80%+ hp and at least a T2 potion. It drastically increases clear speed, but at the cost of survivability. If you are comfortable with the early game Feral is an amazing choice.

#Tribes of midgard tips full

The time saved and survivability gained by starting with full armor and a weapon is nothing to scoff at. This is definitely the go-to if you’re fresh to the game, just starting solo or are having trouble living through the early game. TLDR: Seer stonk, use for learning solo then branch out. Guardian/Sentinal: I’ve yet to try them because I’m not a shield cuck, and clear speed is too important for solo.I originally used her for the waystone buffs and to nullify repairs. Now that I have solo’ing down to a science, and am pushing for faster and faster clears I don’t think her utility is necessary. Warden: Warden has great utility, and was the first class I cleared solo on.Both her aoe explosion on full rage and axe node are both locked behind a fire damage node that is useless. The attack speed it gives is rivaled by that of Seer. Berserker: I think that her passive takes too long to stack, especially since TTK is very short.If you’re constantly having trouble finding bridge, Hideout or just generally being cucked by ♥♥♥ tiles she can be a refreshing option. It marks camps, shrines and (most importantly) the tunnel that leads to the Hideout. The one redeeming quality is her talent Foreshadow which allows you to see points of interest. Her damage nodes are locked behind mediocre utility nodes, so she lacks early game damage. Hunter is more of an honorable mention as her skill tree is far more tailored to team play. It gives you the ability to play aggressive af. As a Dark Souls vet I can’t praise the iframe dodge talent enough. His ability to build mana at range using a bow, then swap to melee to spend it is incredibly strong (especially while using a melee with a heal ability). Warrior has great early game damage, and is great for anyone wanting to use a melee/bow combo. My build is based around playing Ranger as melee and speedrunning. If you’re adamant about using a bow as your primary damage source then Ranger is the way to go, but I chose it purely for the movement speed. Ranger is my personal favorite, but if you are going for your first clear I would suggest against Ranger. On top of that his passive is insane, he has great damage nodes and is immune to weather conditions. He has one of the only skill trees that doesn’t pigeon-hole you into picking nodes you don’t need. Seer, is the strongest overall class in the game – hands down. Any node with multiple numbers are usually based on your current progression. All builds are assuming you’re building the lightning axe, so axe/lightning nodes are interchangeable if you decide to itemize differently. I’ve attached pictures of how I build each character. Here are the classes I’d recommend, and why. All classes are able to solo, but some are much easier to get your first clear with.

Tribes of midgard tips